People First and the Ad Council Launch Creators for Good
Our new partnership with the Ad Council amplifies authentic voices via peer-to-peer campaigns and tackles the biggest issues facing our society today.
People First is proud to announce our partnership with the Ad Council on its Creators for Good program. As the nation’s leading non-profit using the power of communications to drive social change, the Ad Council’s PSAs have resonated for generations, so we are truly honored to be an integral part of their public good campaigns.
Our role in Creators for Good is to source and distribute peer-to-peer content from any community by any geography, ethnicity, condition, or affinity. The posts, videos, and comments that we source at scale across all digital channels align with the same creative concept as the ad campaign. But don’t just take our word for it - as the release says, “People First sources and distributes highly personal peer-to-peer content from trusted messengers [to unlock the power of real people sharing their lived experiences with their communities].”
Not only are we thrilled to announce this new partnership, but we welcome opportunities to discuss how we can drive advocacy and intent for your organization. Please email us at to set up a call and in the meantime you can read more about the Creators for Good partnership in Ad Week, and about our long-standing partnership with the Ad Council in this past edition of this newsletter!
P.S. We will be back in your inbox next week with our regularly scheduled What the Polls Don’t Tell You, giving bi-weekly insights into the social discourse online. Subscribe at so you don’t miss it!