Welcome to What the Polls Don’t Tell Us
A political newsletter devoted to the conversation online that the media misses.
Welcome to What the Polls Don’t Tell Us by Main Street One. Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue.
The Main Street One Political Desk uses proprietary social listening tools to analyze millions of online posts to discover what themes are emerging from the online conversation. We look for actionable insights within that data - insights that can guide strategic decisions, prioritize issue focus, and sharpen political messaging. Social conversation is different from other gauges of public sentiment - it captures the topics real people care about enough to post publicly, using the language they would use with their friends, family, and followers, rather than what politicians and polls might use. We can ask questions that polling can’t answer, such as:
What topics are generating enough passion to inspire people to post online?
What new trends are emerging in public conversation that polling has not yet identified?
What messages are resonating most with voters online?
What rhetoric do regular voters use when talking about issues that matter to them?
What is the geographic and demographic breakdown of the people who care most about an issue? Or, working backward, which issues do specific voter segments care about most, based on what they like to discuss online?
In the meantime, tell your friends!